Created and performed by Leonie Bell with Maria Camia, Sarah Finn, & Marcella Murray
“Four people welcome you to their dance concert, throw temper tantrums, maybe call your moms, and try to go to sleep as the whale they reside in struggles to keep tidal troubles at bay. Time passes uncertainly in this belly as we reconsider what symbiotic relationships are sustainable when intimacy and care-taking are displaced in our realities’ ecosystems. Together, we will attempt to sing a lullaby to the young whales in an attempt to share and nurture a stranded space.”
*Developed at 2018 Barn Arts Residency
**Presented at Dixon Place (2018) & BarnFest (2019)
Created by Leonie Bell with Maria Camia, Sarah Finn, & Marcella Murray
BarnFest 2019
Cloud City, NYC
Videographer: Zachary Laurence